
Covid shut down so many of our familiar life routines, but the need for safe, clean drinking water in many remote areas of the world never stops. We remain passionate about supporting Run For Water, and this year again committed to raising $100,000, the amount needed to help an Ethiopian community build a school and provide clean drinking water. What we love about Run For Water is that they partner with a village, which means the community must raise the first $10,000 needed for the project. This is an unheard of amount of money for them, but they are determined parents. A Run For Water team in Ethiopia begins by teaching them how to join together to grow and sell things like chickens, eggs and vegetables. They then save those precious earnings and become deeply committed to the project. While our fundraising efforts looked very different this year, we got creative and hosted a Zoom bingo night with some fantastic prizes donated by generous local businesses. We designated May’s Choose to Refuse and LFF giveaway to Run For Water. As well, Rob has been on the phone with previous generous donors, and so far, we’ve been able to raise over $60,000! We do this because we know the families of Gassera have the same goals and dreams as we do for our families, that of helping the next generation live healthy, productive and meaningful lives. But they need a clean water source and a well-equipped school building to be able to provide that. We are asking you to consider a donation to help the families of Gassera attain this dream. Here’s the link to our page where you can join with us in supporting this project.Β  With the coming unprecedented heatwave, just imagine what life would be like if you had to send your young girls to walk for miles in that blazing sun to gather and carry forty gallons of drinking water on their backs. Water which is usually bacteria-laden and dirty. That is the reality of many, many people in the world. While we can’t change the world, we can change the lives of the families of Gassera, and we thank you for partnering with us to bring life-giving water and long-lasting change for generations to come.


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