This “bowl-type meal” is really just a hipster version of a buffet. You set out the ingredients and everyone helps themselves to their favourite toppings. If you have a variety of dietary considerations, it’s a great way to serve a meal as people can omit ingredients they don’t like.
Did you know that when you pick a head of lettuce from the market, it was harvested from our greenhouse often the same day? To continuously innovate ways to bring fresh local produce to the market year-round, we began our endeavor of growing lettuce in our Abbotsford Greenhouse back in 2019. With a focus on what is enjoyed the most by our customers, we grow butter lettuce, romaine, red leaf, green leaf lettuce and now green kale (new!).
Our lettuce and kale uses a method called hydroponic deep water culture. What does this mean? The lettuce sits on top of rafts that float in a pool of water. With the roots having continuous access to the water they soak up all the nutrients it needs throughout their growth period. At approximately 5 weeks of maturity, the lettuce & kale is harvested with the roots intact and brought directly to the market. To keep it fresh longer, we recommend storing it in water in your fridge.
Need some inspiration on how to incorporate this green into everyday meals? We’ve compiled 8 recipes that we know you’ll enjoy with fresh lettuce from our Greenhouse.